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Influencer Entrepreneurship : The Power of Online Influence


Imagine scrolling through your favourite social media platform and coming across a post where your favourite celebrity is endorsing a product or service. You trust them and their choices, and suddenly, you're inclined to try that product too. This is the magic of influencer marketing - a modern-day marketing strategy that relies on the influence of social media stars to reach and engage with a wider audience.

Let me give you an example that you can relate to.We cannot forget the famous energy drink brand PRIME launched by KSI and Logan Paul in 2022.They have made a sales of around $250 million in sales in its first year itself and giving a tough competition to well established brands like Gatorade.

Diving Deep with more examples

  1. Mr Beast, the YouTuber having more than 200Million subscribers on YouTube has launched many brands like Feastables and MrBeast Burgers.Well through his vast reach and a successful backstory about donating to the needy, he is able to create a successful brand identity. 

2. Well If you are a tech freak you probably know about tech burner. Well he too has created a successful mobile skin brand LAYERS. What really helps him is his targeted audience and good quality products and the rest is taken care by word of mouth.

3. YouTube star Airrack  teamed up with Pizza Hut up to make the world's largest pizza – one that's a colossal 13,900 square feet on completing his 10M subscribers count.He after the record launched a pizza sauce brand pizzafy.

Understanding Influencer Entrepreneurship 

Influencer entrepreneurship is a business model where individuals with a substantial online following, known as influencers, utilize their personal brand and audience to establish and promote their own products or services. This approach leverages the influencer's credibility and connection with their audience, facilitating the marketing and success of the newly created venture. It often involves collaborations, endorsements, and strategic use of social media platforms for promotion.

Understanding the Process

Influencer marketing is like word-of-mouth advertising in the digital age. Here's how it really works.Let’s take the example of Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast's journey has been very challenging and people like you and me have seen him grown over the years.His journey from earning even $1 to giving millions in charity has created a backstory in our minds. The philanthropic touch adds a layer of authenticity, making him more than just an influencer. When he recreated the Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.He launched  FEASTABLES capitalising his video.

In the world of digital noise, trust is the currency that retains attention. When Mr. Beast unveils FEASTABLES, his audience isn't just witnessing a product launch; they are endorsing a venture from someone they trust. This trust is a force, tilting the scales toward a purchase.

Why these brands are becoming successful 

1.Distribution Channel

Influencers have a powerful distribution channel, tapping into their existing audience base and leveraging their reach to promote products or services effectively.Big brands could easily tie-up with famous influencers just like Walmart,who has a powerful distribution network through its stores,partnered with Mr.Beast.

2. Authenticity

Influencers often connect with their audience on a personal level, creating a more authentic promotion of products. This authenticity can lead to increased trust and credibility, enhancing the overall impact of the marketing campaign.

3. Targeted Audience

Influencers often have a specific niche or demographic they cater to, ensuring that the marketing message is delivered to a highly targeted audience. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of reaching individuals who are genuinely interested in the promoted products.

4. No Marketing Cost

 The overall cost of influencer marketing can be lower than traditional marketing channels. Additionally, the organic nature of influencer content can reduce the need for extensive additional marketing expenses.


Influencer marketing is a powerful and ever-evolving strategy in this world of social media that leverages the trust and influence of  influencers to promote products and services. As a consumer, it's essential to be aware of the persuasive effect of influencers. As a business owner, consider incorporating influencer marketing into your marketing strategy to harness the incredible potential of online influence. 

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