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Color Psychology: Biases Creating Brands?

Updated: May 23

Color plays a great role in our world. Have you ever wondered why certain industries have the same color of the logo or how big brands select the color of their logo?

Well, brands try to create biases using these colors which is all a part of Color psychology used in marketing.

What is Colour Psychology in marketing?

Color psychology in marketing is the study of how different colors can influence human

emotions, behaviors, and perceptions, impacting consumer decisions and brand associations.

Marketers use specific colors strategically to evoke certain feelings, create brand recognition, and enhance our overall experiences.

Let’s talk about different colors and how brands use them effectively.

1. Brilliant Blue

The color psychology of blue says that it should invoke feelings of trust and integrity in the brand. This is the reason why most Banks and Technological Companies have blue color in their logo.

For example, IBM, VISA, American Express, and Boeing use the blue color in their logo to create trust in them.

2. Glorious Green

Green is synonymous with nature and Health. Most food concerned with health use green colors as well and the organizations working for environmental protection use green color as their symbol.

For example, Starbucks, Subway, and Spotify use green color in their logo.

3. Youthful Yellow

It doesn’t take much thought to know that yellow creates visions of youth and happiness. It’s one of the most cheerful colors on the color spectrum (The reason why we chose the yellow color in our logo).

Brands use a yellow color to attract youngsters and create a feeling of joy among us. Apps like Snapchat and Pokémon as well as candy company Chupa Chup use yellow colour in their brand logos.

4. Ravishing Red

Ever wondered why most food companies like McDonald's, KFC, Coca Cola use red color in their logo? The reason is that red is an extremely powerful color.

Red also inspires passion from those viewing it and can create an emotional connection tied to excitement and power.

Red creates a sense of urgency therefore you step in more with the stores with red colours. Most Sales banners are created with red colors for the same reason.

5. Classic White and Black

Black inspires seriousness and sophistication, if your brand is elegant and aimed at a higher income bracket, then it’s one of the best colors you can use in your branding to make a statement.

White is the opposite of black, stirring feelings of innocence, purity, and simplicity. Most of the luxury brands use these colors for the same reasons.

For example, Louis Vuitton, Nike, and Adidas use a combination of black and white colors in their logos.


In conclusion, color psychology plays an important role in the field of marketing, influencing consumer behavior and shaping brand perception.

As the saying goes, "Colour does not add a pleasant quality to design - it reinforces it." In the field of marketing, understanding the color can affect your customers’ mindset and help you to create a better picture of your brand in their minds. So use colors wisely, it will help you in building good relationships with your customers.

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